The Sunshine Blog


Planning a Trip to the Moon After Your Nuptials?

8 April 2020 2

Planning a trip to the moon after your nuptials? Where, when, how much to spend? Or maybe you haven’t quite decided if a honeymoon is necessary. For me, it was a no brainer.  In fact, my husband and I took two honeymoons. Why, you ask?? Well I did some research and here are just some of the things I discovered about the why, where, when and how of honeymooning.

Now I don’t know about you, but my first question was why on earth is it called a honeymoon in the first place? Why not “wedding vacation” or “newlyweds’ getaway”?  Ok, ok, I’ll admit, “honeymoon” sounds much better. Besides how it sounds though, let’s break the word down and get a better sense of what it means.

Honey. According to one version of the Oxford English Dictionary, this part refers to the period immediately after marriage, when there is nothing but tenderness and pleasure. Essentially, it denotes the sweetest part of married life. Moon. According to most sources, this part refers to the lunar calendar where the months of the year are derived from, basically stating that the period for that “honeying” should last for a month. Imagine that? A whole month! Sounds like my jam! On the other hand, some compare the mutual affection of newly married persons to the changing moon which is no sooner full than it begins to wane. Boy, that’s sounds so depressing. I sure hope this part isn’t true, because I need 60 more years of sweet, sweet HONEY!

Nowadays a honeymoon is the holiday spent together by a newly married couple, before settling down at home to nest.

Why should you go on a honeymoon? 

Well let’s be honest, everyone has to decide if it’s important to them. There are also obstacles that may prevent some from taking a honeymoon, time and finances being just some. But if you have managed to save a little cash (mind you, any get away with the one you love should not cost either one of you a liver, remember you still have a life after you descend from the moon) and planned some time off well in advance, here are some great reasons to get away. Keep in mind, this list is not exhaustive:

Simply to enjoy each other’s company uninterrupted and yes, that includes the SEX! There is no better time to spend endless hours together, eating, chilling, exploring, and getting to know the one you have promised your heart to. For the first timers to the art of lovemaking, this can provoke some anxiety, but your honeymoon can create the safe space you need to obtain your PhD, or at the very least a first-degree! Practice, practice, practice, and when you are done, practice some more.

De-stress after months of wedding planning! I don’t know about you, but I was exhausted after planning 2 weddings and I just couldn’t wait to grab my husband and run away! The honeymoon was the perfect time to rest from all the stress and just breathe.

Change of scenery! I don’t think this one needs much explanation. A different place, experiences, and people could be just the thing you need to take you away from the usual.

An opportunity to travel and see the world or just a different city in your state or province. The choice is yours. Experience new things and places together in celebration of this wonderful new phase of your life.

So, there you have it! The why, where, and when of honeymooning. My friend, the how is up to you. Take it from me, honey tastes better on the moon. Congratulations on your wedding and happy honeymooning!

Wishing you love, joy and a healthy and successful marriage.


Dr. Temitayo


This is a guest post by Dr. Temitayo Aboaba. Dr. Aboaba (or Dr. T as I affectionately call her) is a Sunshine Events Planner Bride. It was so much fun planning her and her husband’s colourful three-part wedding. They had so much fun on their two honeymoons, so I asked her to kindly take time out of her busy schedule to write a blog on the benefits of having a honeymoon. She is currently learning Spanish during her free time. This is as a result of the amazing time she and her husband had honeymooning in Mexico.


















  • E. Ade

    12 April 2020 at 6:53 am

    This was very helpful! Thank you 🙏🏾
    Now to plan one for me and le boo 😁


    • Abigail

      12 April 2020 at 7:58 am

      We are glad you found this post helpful. Have fun planning your honeymoon.


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