The Sunshine Blog



8 April 2020 2

Planning a trip to the moon after your nuptials? Where, when, how much to spend? Or maybe you haven’t quite decided if a honeymoon is necessary. For me, it was a no brainer.  In fact, my husband and I took two honeymoons. Why, you ask?? Well I did some research and here are just some of the things I discovered about the why, where, when and how of honeymooning.


2 April 2020 2

When I heard about the outbreak of the novel coronavirus also called COVID-19 in China, I was a bit worried because of my friends who live there. At the time, I never thought it would quickly become a pandemic that would affect everyone especially events and weddings. So, with the recent rise of the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the national governments issuing social distancing all over the world, there has arisen a lot of panic in every industry but most especially in the event industry.